Well, let’s try to summarise the last days of the life in Italy. On saturday 19th a bomb killed a young girl and injured another 5, while they were going to school in Brindisi. The night after an earthquake destroyed many towns and killed 7 people in north of Italy in the region of Emilia. On Sunday and Monday (20th and 21) the second turn of the local election of the mayors of many town, had taken place, with very surprising results for the leading parties;they risk to disappear because people voted for new movements, like that called “5 stars” whose leader is an ex comedian, Beppe Grillo. Inside this movement there are new faces, young people for trying to change the political class of this country. These are the facts, and the consequences? In my opinion the bomb that killed the poor school girl is one of those. These are the facts, and the consequences? In my opinion the bomb that killed the poor school girl is one of those. In the history of this country, every time there was an attempt of changing of the leadership of the strong powers, suddenly came out acts of terrorism, like those of the “Red Brigades” during the ’70 and early ’80. Now we know that behind those acts were the C.I.A., the Mafia, and part of our secret services, all toghether to give and “advice” to the State. During these years many attempts of “red herring” were made by many people involved in. And many other killed persons were the price that this country had to pay for the truth. To complete this nice picture all the last actions taken by the Government of Mario Monti, for escaping from the Crisis, he said, are made for a gradual replacement of the public Welfare State with the private services, provided by banks, insurance and financial companies. I told many times that Mario Monti, Mario Draghi, the greek Papademos and others men and women of power are people who come from the school of Goldman Sachs, but this is just a sheer coincidence, obviously… Many are the ways of the fate!
The Tyche of Antioch, Roman copy of a bronze by Eutychides
(Galleria dei Candelabri, Vatican Museums)

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