Few days are past since Silvio Berlusconi decided to resign as leader of our country and has declared that is starting to prepare the next election campaign, first of all using the power of the net. After the magic world of the tv show into the political field we will see the “political field” (all the politicians made by Berlusconi from his tv) going back to tv and the net, so we can expect a revival of the same faces in few months, unfortunately. Talking about the new ministers of the new Government it’s quite embarassing to say that is a new kind of leadership. They are called tecnical people, but if we analize each one by one we can discover that many of them are involved in the ancient way to make politics, because they are involved in more than one conflict of interest, i.e. the new Minister of Economic Development, Corrado Passera, has been involved in the interest of many banks, national italian Mail and Alitalia, our national flight company. The new Minister of Justice, the lawyer Paola Severino, has been the defensor of Cesare Previti, Secretary of State for Defence of the first government of Silvio Berlusconi, accused and condemned for corruption in favour of Berlusconi himself in the so called process of Lodo Mondadori. The Minister of the Environment, Corrado Clini, after his nomination has declared to be in favour of nuclear energy (Italy has decided to be contrary to nuclear power with a referendum, just few months ago). All these consideration to not mention the figure of Mario Monti himself (a man that comes from Goldman Sachs). The average age of our “new” ministers is of 63 years, in Denmark is 43! However we will see if they’ll do a good job for the future of our country or not. At the moment the sensation is that everything changes for nothing change anything, as in a sort of recurring periods of history, referring to Giambattista Vico.